Pyotr Pertsov (1868–1947)

In Russia, we wash paintbrushes with vodka, not water like puny Americans.
Wouldn’t be Russian without a strong tache.

With a name like Pyotr Pertsov, it’s not surprising that this guy is Russian. Pertsov was a poet, a publisher, a literary and art critic. A person of the arts. So if you’re not into poetry, you’ve come to the wrong place.

Well, actually, don’t worry too much, I couldn’t find any of his poems. I did look for them, promise. I might have found them if there was a standard way of writing his name! Petr? Pyotr? Piotr? Pete? What is it?!?

Pertsov’s probably rolling in his grave as I write this post.

Pertsov began his literary career by publishing his poems for Nedelya (“Week”) and Novosti (“News”). Then he contributed to magazines linked with political, social, and artistic movements including Russian Symbolism, which were influenced by irrationalism and mysticism — think God and ghouls. Spooky. It was spurred by a movement away from the aristocracy towards urbanisation. A time of uncertainty and the unknown may have encouraged these movements. Steam from those trains look a bit ghostly, right?

In 1902, Pertsov became the founding editor and publisher of journal Novyi Put (“New Way”), which intended to rise above ideological rifts of the past by combining a social quest with mysticism. Pertsov aimed to give fiction and poetry the same billing and attention as philosophical and critical articles of general interest. Pertsov put a lot of his own money into the journal only to be removed from the publication in 1904 when the editorial team split and a journal within a journal formed. In 1905, The Questions of Life replaced New Way. Looks like they had a new way of questioning life.

Following this, Pertsov lectured at Kostroma University. With no pension and a small salary, Pertsov lived a life of poverty. Still sounds about right for most pursuing a career in the arts today.

Random Facts

· Pyotr Pertsov the person of the arts shouldn’t be mistaken with wealthy railway engineer of the same name who held a competition in around 1905 to remodel his mansion. It was home to Leon Trotsky after the 1917 revolution and is now home to the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and probably Donald Trump as well.

· Pertsov was a graduate of Law from Kazan University. The same university that Vladimir Lenin was expelled from.

· As expected, the name Pyotr is the Russian form of Peter. Pete Pertsov has a bit of a ring to it.

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